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Empowering your team to find their flow
A team development programme combining the Talent Dynamics psychometric and coaching practice, to enable you and your team members to understand their zone of genius, what their best roles are in work, how best to use their energy, and how the team can best work together to achieve the organisation’s goals and purpose.
Coaching is a transformative practice which draws out answers and solutions from the coachees, rather than being prescriptive about what the solutions should be. It is naturally adaptable to the variety of circumstances that can arise in workplace situations. Coaching can provide bespoke support which addresses individual needs and doesn’t require advice-giving or a ‘one size fits all’ approach.
How it works
Step 1: 1h session, online or in person. A briefing on the Talent Dynamics psychometric (see more details on this below) and how you and your team can use it to
Create freedom, joy and energy in your career and in your life, through understanding your strengths and how to manage your energy when juggling the components of your work and life. Talent Dynamics is a tool to understanding that and therefore to ensuring your energy is distributed in the best possible way. The results of this are enormous - up to 5x more productivity, and hugely increased job satisfaction and feeling of autonomy and freedom in your career.
Be your most successful at work by identifying your biggest strengths, preferences and goals, and removing from your professional life that which doesn’t serve you.
Understand the impact of those around you, such as management, members of teams or groups you are in, family and friends, and other people who support you or who you support.
As well as the briefing, session to include time for participants to voice their challenges so the session is interactive and tailored to those in it.
Step 2: Talent Dynamics profile tests to be taken by participants. Results are immediately available and participants can read their reports before the next step.
Step 3: 2h group session, online or in person, to include
Reactions of participants - how did you feel about the results, what were you happy about/what did you want to challenge? Has your reaction changed over time?
Exploration of results of TD profile tests - what profiles we have in the team and what roles the participants are holding in the business
Overview of the different energies, how they interact with each other, and how they lead to connection with the overall purpose of the business
Discussion of profiles - understanding the differences and similarities between people of different profiles, and within the same profiles where there can also be significant differences.
How the results can be useful - getting the team ‘in flow’
Step 4: 1-1 debriefs/coaching sessions for participants on their profile, their role and their personal situation.
The result will be a huge return on investment. We look for a 10x return on investment within three years. This return can be made up from:
Increased revenue from business activity
Increased staff retention (employee turnover can cost from 6-18 months’ salary depending on role)
Increased morale and employee engagement
Improved results for other organisation priorities such as social and charitable causes
Whatever investment you make with me, I’m looking to bring a 10x ROI in the next three years.
I would love to discuss how this would work best for your organisation’s needs. Some FAQs are addressed below.
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What is coaching?
Coaching is a goal-focused problem-solving practice that is rooted in the concept that the person being coached (coachee) has the answers to their problems or the routes to their goals within them. It is the job of the coach to draw the answers out via, questions, discussion and reflections.
The coach/coachee relationship is a partnership of equals. It is not assumed that the coach knows more about the coachee’s problems or the solutions available than the coachee does. The process focuses on getting to the root of the coachee’s goals and challenges, and enabling the coachee to reach the solutions that suit them best.
What outcomes can I expect from coaching?
Coaching focuses on goals. However, goal-setting can be a big part of the challenge. You do not need to have a clear goal in mind to start coaching, although if you do then that’s fine too! Most people enter a coaching relationship with an outcome in mind, but this could be something vague such as knowing you want to make more money in your career, or knowing you want to improve your working life in some way. We will work together to turn the things you want to achieve into tangible goals, with pathways to achieving them.
Coaching is transformative. When you are in a good coaching relationship that suits you, you can and should expect coaching to result in
Increased income/revenue
Higher confidence
Better understanding of your goals and why you have them
Easy achievement of goals
Connection with your purpose in career and/or life
What happens in a discovery call?
A discovery call is a 30 minute introductory conversation between you and your prospective coach, in which both people will consider whether this coaching relationship feels like a good fit for them. It is important for you as the coachee to have a rapport and feel at ease with your coach; you need to be able to trust them as you work together. Similarly, the coach needs to feel that they will be able to help you, and will not enter into a coaching relationship if they feel it is not a good fit. In the unlikely event that this happens we will recommend another coach to you - it is rare, but we know that a good relationship between coach and coachee is vital.
During the 30 minute discovery call, the coach will ask questions about your goals/challenges/what you are looking for in coaching. There are no right or wrong answers; you do not need to have a clear or defined answer to this. It is fine to turn up with a general feeling of what you want to be different. This often happens, and it is something that can be worked through in coaching. The coach will also run through the coaching programme and process, and prices and logistics, and you will have the opportunity to ask questions and evaluate whether you think our coaching is for you. You will not be asked to sign up on the call - you can sign up at any time afterwards when you feel it is right.
I have a therapist - do I need a coach as well?
This is entirely your decision. Coaching differs from therapy and counselling in that there is an understanding in coaching that both parties are healthy and that this is an exercise in improving on specific goals. The coach and coachee are equals. The coach brings their training and expertise, and the coachee brings their particular experience and goals. Therapy and counselling are usually founded on the premise that the person receiving the therapy has a health issue that is being treated by the therapist. Coaching and therapy can work well side by side, or you may feel you want to focus your energy on one or the other.
What is a Flow Consultant?
As a Flow Consultant, I have undertaken training with Genius U to offer a psychometric profiling and debriefing process which is called Wealth Dynamics or Talent Dynamics. The two are very similar - Wealth Dynamics is for entrepreneurs, and Talent Dynamics is for those working in organisations.
Talent Dynamics (also sometimes called Wealth Dynamics) is a psychometric tool designed by Roger Hamilton and based on Jungian principles.
This psychometric is a particularly useful tool for creative teams because its eight profiles are placed around a square, rather than being on a binary scale, and results are calculated on a percentage basis so within profiles there is room for individual differences. It also gives a good sense of how we can manage doing things that are not our absolute best fit - something which we all have to do at times.
This is a powerful tool and a key part in transforming creative teams. Where on the square do you think you sit?

What are your fees?
This will be tailored to your organisation - let's talk about what investment is right for you. Whatever you invest, we look for a 10x ROI over the first three years.